Thursday 18 October 2007

Getting Ready for Israel!

Plans are well underway - even if the packing hasn't even been started - for our pilgrimage to Israel and - we hope - to Bethlehem. This promises to be a very special time - walking in Jesus' footsteps and seeing places that he would have known.
We leave with our pilgrimage group from Southampton on Saturday 20 October - soon after 4 a.m! This will be a challenge for everyone! We travel to Heathrow and then take a flight to Tel Aviv where we transfer to a hotel in Jerusalem.
It is a very full itinerary - but it gives us the chance to see many of the places mentioned in the Bible - for example, the Mount of Olives, Bethlehem (all being well!), the Old City of Jerusalem with the Via Dolorosa and Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Later in our stay, we travel through the hills of Judaea to Tiberias on the shores of the Sea of Galilee from where we visit Nazareth, Cana, take a trip on a replica wooden boat to Capernaum and around the lake to the Mount of the Beatitudes and Bethsaida.
We hope to have internet access during our travels and, when we can, will add to the blog to tell you more about our pilgrimage to the place where Jesus lived during his earthly life!

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