Friday, 18 July 2008

Coming to the end...

Well, here we are entering the last few days of the visit! It seems in many ways to have gone quickly but a long time since we left the UK!!

This is really a quick update before the weekend in case time doesn't permit a visit to the cyber then - though you never know...

Yesterday was a quiet day which was welcome after the busy-ness of preceding days. Much of it (after the epic session in the cyber cafe writing up yesterday's entry) was spent at the compound of Anselme's grandmother. This was back to normal - all the chairs and canopies had gone as well as most of the guests. The last two were returning to the Ivory Coast yesterday afternoon and when we arrived, the family were preparing meat for them to take back with them - a process which took most of the afternoon. After lunch and a time just spent watching the various goings-on in the family compound, we went to the church of St Vincent de Paul where Anselme had arranged for Kathryn to meet one of the catechists to talk about how people are prepared for baptism and so on here. There are many similarities - but also many differences. Here, for example, there is an emphasis on putting aside the sacrificing of chickens - and various rules around the practice of polygamy (a catechumen cannot be baptised if they are in a polygamous relationship, for example). It was very interesting and Kathryn and the catechist Georges were equally proud that their French held out and only once needed a translation to confirm that it had been communicated OK (about polygamy and what happens if someone has completed a catechumenate formation but is still bound in a polygamous marriage... you can see how it could get complicated!)

After a return to the compound for a while, it was then to the school of St Martine where there is a daily prayer group. Expecting just a few, Kathryn was surprised that over 50 people gathered for a sharing of the Word of God and the praying of the Rosary (Mysteries of Light as it was Thursday). Before she left, Kathryn was given a candle by a friend in the parish (Heidi) to use when praying with others - there hadn't been chance to use it before - most prayers had been in churches, etc) but this was a good opportunity to light it here. People were delighted by the idea and it is now an honoured part of the setting for prayer there. What was interesting in the prayer service was the mix of French and Dioula for the readings and prayers. People started the Hail Mary in turn and if someone started in French people continued the "Holy Mary, Mother of God..." in French - if in Dioula, then everyone (well, everyone except Kathryn who resorted to English very quietly!) continued in Dioula. At the end, Kathryn was introduced to everyone which was a bit embarrassing but they were pleased that someone had come from so far for the ordination but also to join them in prayer.

An evening meal awaited - a little too "piementé" (full of chillis) for Kathryn's taste but still hospitable - and then back to the Centre d'Acceuil.

Today the plan is to go to a place of animist worship - the Mare des Poissons Sacres (sacred fish)... Not sure quite what to expect as it sounds as if chickens are sacrificed and fed to the fish - and various other rituals - which we won't be taking part in but it will be interesting to see in terms of what is traditional for many people here and the change of heart becoming a Christian brings with it. Also, we hope to sort out the gifts from the UK - a bit of a mammoth task but Kathryn needs the bag to bring things back with her!

So... if opportunity to add more arises then there will be more before returning to England but if not - watch this space for the last installments and the photos!!!!!!!!!

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